These 45 Unusual Colored Things Have Left Us Amazed

Things in Unusual Colors Look Truly Bizarre

Nature is filled with an incredible diversity of living organisms, from the tiniest insects to the largest mammals. Many of these organisms have unique and unusual colors that have amazed and fascinated us. Take a look at some of the most unusual colored things found in nature, including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. From black cockatoos with gold feathers to golden mice, and from albino humpback whales to black chinchillas, these remarkable colors are sure to leave you in awe.

Black Cockatoo With Gold Glaze

The black cockatoo with gold glaze, also known as the yellow-tailed black cockatoo, is a bird native to Australia. This bird is primarily black, with bright yellow patches on its tail feathers.

Black Cockatoo With Gold Glaze

However, the golden sheen that covers its feathers makes this bird genuinely remarkable, giving it a stunning metallic appearance. This golden sheen is caused by the microscopic structure of the feathers, which reflect light in unique ways.

Spooky Void Duck

The spooky void duck, also known as the Muscovy duck, is a breed of domesticated duck that’s native to South America but is now found throughout the world. This duck is primarily black, with a bald face and bright red eyes.

Spooky Void Duck

Its dark appearance gives it a spooky and mysterious look, hence its nickname. Despite its eerie appearance, the Muscovy duck is a friendly and easy-to-care-for pet popular with bird enthusiasts.

Blue Java Bananas

The blue java banana, also known as the ice cream banana, is a unique variety of bananas native to Southeast Asia. What makes this banana unusual is its blue-green skin.

Blue Java Bananas

It also has a creamy, white flesh, which has a flavor that resembles vanilla ice cream. The blue java banana is a hardy and disease-resistant plant popular among gardeners and enthusiasts.

The Golden Mouse

The golden mouse, or grasshopper mouse, is a small rodent in North and Central America. Despite its name, this mouse isn’t golden but primarily gray or brown with a white underbelly.

The Golden Mouse

What makes this mouse unusual is its carnivorous diet, which includes insects, scorpions, and even other mice. The golden mouse has powerful jaws and is immune to the venom of many poisonous animals, making it a fearsome predator.