Here Are the Top 5 Body Stretches That Can Improve Mobility While Working Out

An effective training program can easily address all five measurable aspects of health and well-being: strength, work capacity, mobility, emotional well-being, and body composition. Stretching exercises fall under the banner of mobility. You can’t afford to neglect this component if you wish to achieve the best possible results from your workouts. Looking for some full-body stretches to enhance your mobility? Keep reading!

Top 5 Body Stretches That Can Improve Mobility While Working Out
Body Stretches for Mobility

Benefits of Body Stretches

Stretching exercises can easily reduce inflammation. The body interprets poor posture and repetitive movements that reduce or impede the body’s range of motion as an injury. Consequently, the body will attempt to repair this injury. As a protective mechanism against further injury, your body increases muscle tension in response to an injury-induced inflammatory response. This increase in muscle tension increases muscle adhesions which further reduce your muscle’s elasticity or normal mobility. Enhancing your flexibility can improve your physical stamina and performance. Flexibility is the ability to control your muscles throughout their entire range of motion. Therefore, increasing your stamina. Here are some of the stretches you can try so you can improve your flexibility and reduce inflammation while working out.

The Dynamic Pigeon

The Dynamic Pigeon

Aim to get both the ankle and knee to touch the floor at the same time. Then, get the shin angle as near to 90 degrees to the body line as you can. Additionally, make sure that you keep your core braced to extend your lower back. Try doing six reps on each side.

The Spiderman Stretches

The Spiderman Stretches

Try to get the knee of the stepping foot to lightly touch the outside of the shoulder on the same side as the stepping foot. If you want to have more range of motion in your hips, you should try to maintain the back knee raised off the floor. If you find that any of these stretches are way too complicated for you, try using a yoga block as support.

Thread the Needle

Thread the Needle

Before beginning the rotation, you need to make sure that your hips are rolled back on your heels. The movement remains concentrated in the upper back as a result. The direction in which the moving arm is pointed should be the focus of the gaze. Therefore, you need to look at the area under your armpit.