Real-Life Popeye Has a Knack for Scaring People With His Big Arms
Once upon a time, there was an iconic cartoon that ruled TV sets all over the world, and it was called Popeye! Countless people remember this classic cartoon about a sailor with freakishly big arms who was constantly eating spinach. It was a fun little cartoon to watch, and people of all ages enjoyed it. But, believe it or not, some people measure up to that cartoon sailor in real life!
The Real-Life Popeye
There is a 59-year-old man, Jeff Dabe, labeled as the real-life cartoon character from the 1920s. The wrestling champion is from Minnesota and was born with unusually large arms. Jeff explains that since he was born with bulkier arms, his parents took him to the doctors when he was a baby so they could check for elephantiasis and gigantism, but no one seemed to know why he was born with such sizable arms.
People Get Shocked
Jeff explains that he is often amused at people’s reactions when they see him. He says many seem to freeze up and don’t feel like sparking a conversation with him. Jeff finds it funny when he first meets people at a drive-through, for example, and can see the shock in their eyes and their disbelief at the size of his arms. He explains that he doesn’t mind it.