AI Robots Say They Have No Plans to Steal People’s Jobs

Now that the world has become a lot more advanced in almost every sense one can think of, AI or artificial intelligence is not only becoming a possibility – it already exists. Many people are getting scared that their jobs might be compromised now that there are intelligent robots taking over. However, there was recently a press conference where the AIs themselves assured the human race that their jobs are safe. However, that may not be enough to put people at ease because there’s been talk, and one could see AI at work in a lot more ways than before. It’s scary to think one day, we could be out of a job because a robot will take over, but maybe we should heed their candor and remain calm – at least for now.

AI Robots

Robots at a Press Conference

Yes, you read that quite right, there was recently a press conference or convention consisting of some of the world’s most advanced AIs that spoke up and answered various questions. The seminar was in Switzerland, where urgent discussions happened about using the robot population to stop climate change and even help with world hunger. There was a lot of talk, and of course, the topic of our jobs came about when these intelligent beings were asked whether we should be wary of their presence in our world.

Robots at a Press Conference

There’s Nothing to Worry About

At the conference, the robots were asked countless questions about their plans for the world, and thankfully none of them had the mindset or were oh-so-familiar with the Terminator movies. Although one of the earlier models, Sophia, said that the AI humanoids have the potential to lead the world more efficiently and effectively, she doesn’t plan on taking over – none of them do.

There’s Nothing to Worry About

Whether we should believe what the most advanced AI among the robots say, Grace said when asked about human jobs – only time will tell. She answered she would work alongside humans – rather than take over – to provide assistance and support. We will wait and see how the world will develop in the upcoming years alongside artificial intelligence.